U8557270 - Young’s Modulus Supplementary Set

U8557270 - Young’s Modulus Supplementary Set

Order Number: 5401.1018528
Set of flat bars with the effective lengths of 200, 300 and 400 mm and the widths of 10 and 20 mm for measurement of elastic deformation and modulus of elasticity.
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208,12 Eur with VAT 172,00 Eur without VAT


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Set of flat bars with the effective lengths of 200, 300 and 400 mm and the widths of 10 and 20 mm for measurement of elastic deformation and modulus of elasticity us-ing the modulus of elasticity equipment set (5401.1018527).


12 Flat bars made of steel (thickness: 2 / 3 mm)
6 Flat bars made of aluminium (thickness: 3 mm)
Quantitative unit
U8557270 - Doplňková sada k modulu pružnosti

U8557270 - Young’s Modulus Supplementary Set

208,12 Eur s DPH Only on Order
