U8557260 - Apparatus for Measuring Young’s Modulus

U8557260 - Apparatus for Measuring Young’s Modulus

Order Number: 5401.1018527
Measuring apparatus for investigating the elastic deformation of rods of flat geome-try and for determining the modulus of elasticity. 
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1 116,83 Eur with VAT 923,00 Eur without VAT


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Measuring apparatus for investigating the elastic deformation of rods of flat geome-try and for determining the modulus of elasticity. Features a strain gauge unit for determining the deformation of electrically conducting material samples. The strain gauge unit is electrically connected to the material sample in such a way that placing of the probes on the sample is determined with a high degree of sensi-tivity and displayed with the help of two LEDs. The bending of the material sample with the weight suspended is measured to an accuracy of 0.01 mm and the modulus of elasticity can then be calculated from the reading.
Battery for strain gauge unit: 9 V, 6F22


  • 6 Flat steel rods (w: 15 mm, l: 200 / 300 / 400 mm, thickness: 2 / 3 mm)
  • 1 Strain gauge unit
  • 1 Horizontal beam with stand
  • 2 Knife-edge bearings
  • 1 Clamping chuck
  • 1 Set of weights and retaining clamps

Experiment Topics:

Elastic deformation of flat bars
Determining modulus of elasticity



Load characteristics of the strain gauge may be ignored
Measurements can be set up with the material samples supported on both sides or clamped at one end


Technical data:

Dimensions: 550 x 280 x 500 mm
Weight: 5.5 kg approx

Quantitative unit
U8557260 - Zařízení pro měření modulu pružnosti

U8557260 - Apparatus for Measuring Young’s Modulus

1.116,83 Eur s DPH Only on Order
