Inclination and Declination Instrument

Inclination and Declination Instrument

Order Number: 5401.1006799

429,55 Eur with VAT 355,00 Eur without VAT


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Dip Circle To determine the earth’s magnetic meridian and to measure inclination. Also for demonstrating how a magnetic needle is deflected by a current-carrying conductor. The bearings are of agate upon which the magnetic needle is mounted in a frame with reference circle. The frame is equipped with an additional reference circle. There are two 4-mm sockets included for power supply. 

  • Dimensions: approx. 180 × 100 × 220 mm
  • Needle length: 100 mm
  • Weight: approx. 620 g

Additionally recommended:

  • 5401.U33020230 DC Power Supply 0 - 20 V, 0 - 5 A (230 V, 50 / 60 Hz)
Quantitative unit
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Inclination and Declination Instrument

429,55 Eur s DPH Only on Order
