K27 - Haemorrhoid Model

K27 - Haemorrhoid Model

Order Number: 4004.1000315

73,08 Eur with VAT 60,40 Eur without VAT


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A vivid model designed to educate patients about haemorrhoids. The model is a life-size frontal section of the rectum as well as a smaller relief on a pedestal. In addition to the anatomical structures of the rectum (sphincter, mucous membrane, venous plexus), the model shows internal haemorrhoids during stage I and II as well as external haemorrhoids. The relief exhibit shows haemorrhoids during stage III and IV. Mounted on base.

Size: 14 x 10 x 14 cm
Weight: 200 g

Quantitative unit
K27 - Model hemoroidu

K27 - Haemorrhoid Model

73,08 Eur s DPH Only on Order
