K09 - Basic Kidney Section, 3 times full-size

K09 - Basic Kidney Section, 3 times full-size

Order Number: 4004.1000295

135,04 Eur with VAT 111,60 Eur without VAT


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The kidney section, colorful and anatomically accurate, model depicts a longitudinal section of the human right kidney. All important structures of the human kidney for student and patient education are shown. The kidney is three times life size. No baseboard included with the basic kidney section.

Dimensions: 8.5 × 19 × 26 cm

Quantitative unit
K09 - Základní průřez ledvinou, 3 krát zvětšený

K09 - Basic Kidney Section, 3 times full-size

135,04 Eur s DPH Only on Order
