H20/1 - Female Pelvis, 3 part

H20/1 - Female Pelvis, 3 part

Order Number: 4004.1000285

310,97 Eur with VAT 257,00 Eur without VAT


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This life size three part model represents an original cast of a bony female pelvis and shows all the details of the following anatomical structures.

  • Two hip bones
  • The pubic symphysis
  • The sacrum
  • The coccyx
  • The fifth lumbar vertebra with intervertebral disc

A midsagital section through the fifth lumbar vertebra, sacrum and coccyx, allow both halves of the pelvis to be disassembled revealing a part of the cauda equina in the vertebral canal. The left half of the fifth lumbar vertebral body is removable.

Measurements: 19 × 27 × 19 cm
Weight: 900 g

Quantitative unit
H20/1 - Kostra ženské pánve, 3 části

H20/1 - Female Pelvis, 3 part

310,97 Eur s DPH Only on Order
