Friction Measuring Apparatus

Friction Measuring Apparatus

Order Number: 5401.1009942

908,71 Eur with VAT 751,00 Eur without VAT


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Demonstration apparatus with movable friction surface for measuring static and dynamic friction between two surfaces as a function of area, force between the surfaces or the combination of materials. For easy measurement of dynamic friction, the movable surface is moved at constant speed under a static body connected to a dynamometer. The friction track can be inclined along its length in order to vary the force between the two surfaces.

  • Dimensions: 600 × 140 × 150 mm3
  • Weight: 3 kg


Basic apparatus with movable friction surface, 2 N dynamometer, three different static bodies, three rails for holding static bodies, three 100 g weights.

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Friction Measuring Apparatus

908,71 Eur s DPH Only on Order
