Analogue Multimeter ESCOLA 30

Analogue Multimeter ESCOLA 30

Order Number: 5401.1013526

306,13 Eur with VAT 253,00 Eur without VAT


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Permanently short-circuit-proof student measuring instrument for measuring voltage and current in the safety extra-low voltage range. The electronic overload protection is achieved without the use of an equipment fuse, therefore obviating any need to change fuses or order spares. The protective system nevertheless operates without any auxiliary energy and is guaranteed even when the battery is flat or no battery is present.

  • Direct and alternating voltage: 0.3 − 30 V, 5 ranges each
  • Direct and alternating current: 1 − 3000 mA, 5 ranges each
  • Instrument category: CAT I, 30 V
Devices - filter
Analog measuring instruments
Quantitative unit
1013526-U8557330 Mulktimetr Escola-30

Analogue Multimeter ESCOLA 30

306,13 Eur s DPH Only on Order
