SB46506 - "Pat" Pressure Ulcer Model

SB46506 - "Pat" Pressure Ulcer Model

Order Number: 4107.SB46506

1 009,14 Eur with VAT 834,00 Eur without VAT


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A unique, compact, comprehensive, and realistic model that is an effective tool for identifying and staging pressure ulcers. Also a great visual aid to show what can occur without proper care. Displays Stage I, II, III, and IV pressure ulcers, an unstageable eschar/slough wound, an intact blister, open wound, undermining, tunneling, and exposed bone, tendon, and muscle. The darkly pigmented skin section shows how different a Stage I, blood blister, and suspected Deep Tissue Injury may appear depending on the pigmentation. The DTIs have a “spongy/soft” feel, which is especially helpful in darkly pigmented patients where visualization of the injury may not be apparent. Routine cleansing and dressing changes can be taught and practiced on all wounds, and you won’t need to constantly cleanse the skin of residual adhesive.

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SB46506 - Model proleženin „Pat“

SB46506 - "Pat" Pressure Ulcer Model

1.009,14 Eur s DPH Only on Order
