MP1730 - Bowel - Portion of Jejenum
MP1730 - Bowel - Portion of Jejenum
This small loop of jejenum illustrates the nature of the the arterial arcades in the mesentery (many long straight vasa rectae and fewer vascular arcades than in ileum). This is shown in one small patch of the mesentery in which the fat and visceral peritoneum has been dissected or removed. Also note the presence of lymph nodes (grey-light green) which are a prominent feature of the mesentery, especially near its root close to larger vessels. Classically the fat in the mesentery in the jejenum does not extend to the mesenteric border of the jejenum and would normally allow the observer to view the long straight vessels (vasa recti). However in this example, which is from a patient with a reasonably large amount of abdominal fat, this ‘window’ is not apparent as fat extends further towards the mesenteric border of the jejenoum A small segment has been opened to reveal the nature of the mucosal folding (more folds and smaller folds than the ileum) lining the lumen.
- Quantitative unit
- ks
MP1730 - Bowel - Portion of Jejenum