Condom Training Model, coloured skin tone

Condom Training Model, coloured skin tone

Order Number: 5402.1000341

122,69 Eur with VAT 101,40 Eur without VAT


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This model of an erect penis with testicles is used to learn how to use a condom safely. The anatomical structures and its firmness are absolutely realistic, so that your students can train putting on and removing a condom in a realistic way. Supplied with 12 dry training condoms and a carrying bag.

  • Dimensions: 7,5 × 7,5 × 19,5 cm
  • Weight: 0,35 kg

Options and Replacements:

W43003 - 12 Dry Condoms

Quantitative unit
Model k navlékání kondomů, tmavá kůže

Condom Training Model, coloured skin tone

122,69 Eur s DPH Only on Order
