LF03636 - IV Leg infant

LF03636 - IV Leg infant

Order Number: 4107.LF03636

689,70 Eur with VAT 570,00 Eur without VAT


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A special, extremely thin, synthetic skin is paired with rubber tubing featuring a small lumen and thin walls. The greater and lesser saphenous veins are accessible, as well as the dorsal venous arch on the foot. Comes with two IV bags with clamps, one pint Life/form® blood, one 3 cc syringe, one 22-gauge needle, and winged infusion set. Three-year warranty.

Available Supplies

  • LF01111 - Simulated Blood Mixture
  • LF01114 - IO Fluid System
Cannula, injection, puncturing - filter
Dolní končetiny
Quantitative unit
LF03636 - IV Dolní končetina

LF03636 - IV Leg infant

689,70 Eur s DPH Only on Order
