Miele U 874/1 Lower basket

Miele U 874/1 Lower basket

Order Number: 1201.MIE69187402
Lower basket for the optimum loading of different inserts and mesh trays.
More about the product

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  • Vertical clearance can vary with different upper baskets
  • With bracket for magnetic strip for ML/2 autom. unit recognition

Product details - U 874/1

Product category 
Washer-disinfectors, laboratory
Washer-disinfectors, medical
Machine/accessory categorisation 
PG 8535
PG 8536
Product category 
Carrier/basket carrier
Lower basket
Product properties 
Stainless steel
Stainless steel
Area of application 
Reprocessing laboratory glassware
Reprocessing MIS instruments
Reprocessing GYN instruments
Reprocessing ENT instruments
Reprocessing theatre shoes
Reprocessing basins
Reprocessing kidney dishes
Reprocessing OP instruments
Reprocessing of mesh trays
Reprocessing of different utensils
Dimensions and weight 
External dimensions, height in mm
External dimensions, width in mm
External dimensions, depth in mm
Net weight in kg
Quantitative unit
Miele koš U 874 - Koš dolní

Miele U 874/1 Lower basket