K41 - Prostate Model, 1/2 natural size

K41 - Prostate Model, 1/2 natural size

Order Number: 4004.1000319

93,90 Eur with VAT 77,60 Eur without VAT


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A cross section of the male genital organs shows a healthy prostate with bladder, urethra, testicle, symphysis and rectum. The narrowing of the urethra due to the change of the prostate is made clear via the 4 cross sectional views. All anatomical structures are painted in detail. On base.

Size: 13.5 × 10 × 14 cm

Quantitative unit
K41 - Model prostaty v poloviční velikosti

K41 - Prostate Model, 1/2 natural size

93,90 Eur s DPH Only on Order
