K13 - 3B MICROanatomy Kidney

K13 - 3B MICROanatomy Kidney

Order Number: 4004.1000301

352,11 Eur with VAT 291,00 Eur without VAT


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This extremely detailed model which shows the morphologic/functional units of the kidney. Six model zones illustrate the following:

  • Longitudinal section of a kidney
  • Section of renal cortex and renal medulla of the kidney
  • Wedge-shaped section of a kidney lobe with a diagrammatic depiction of three nephrons with Henle’s loops of different lengths and diagrammatic depiction of the vascular supply
  • Diagrammatic illustration of a kidney nephron with a short Henle’s loop and didactic/diagrammatic illustration of the vascular supply
  • Diagrammatic illustration of an opened kidney renal corpuscle with nephron and light-microscopic transverse sections of the proximal, attenuated and distal segments of a renal tubule
  • Diagrammatic/didactic illustration of an opened kidney renal corpuscle

Mounted on a base.

Measurements: 23,5 × 25,5 × 19 cm
Weight: 1,3 kg

Quantitative unit
K13 - 3B MICROanatomy model ledviny

K13 - 3B MICROanatomy Kidney

352,11 Eur s DPH Only on Order
