K11 - Kidney Section, Nephrons, Blood Vessels and Renal Corpuscle

K11 - Kidney Section, Nephrons, Blood Vessels and Renal Corpuscle

Order Number: 4004.1000299

482,79 Eur with VAT 399,00 Eur without VAT


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These 3 kidney models create a complete series to study the anatomy of the kidney and the different structures of the kidney in great detail.

Together the human kidney models show:

  • A longitudinal section of the right kidney, 3 times life-size
  • A kidney nephron depicting a section through renal cortex and medulla. Nephron features the renal corpuscles with proximal and distal convoluted tubules, loops of Henle, collecting tubules and blood vessels, 120 times full-size
  • The third kidney section shows an opened Malpighian corpuscle with glomerulus and Bowman's capsule, 700 times life-size of the human kidney.

Mounted on one baseboard.

Measurements: 29 × 52 × 9 cm
Weight: 2,5 kg

Quantitative unit
K11 - Průřez ledvinou, nefrony, cévy a ledvinové tělísko

K11 - Kidney Section, Nephrons, Blood Vessels and Renal Corpuscle

482,79 Eur s DPH Only on Order
