G40 - Arteriosclerosis Model, with cross section of artery, 2 part

G40 - Arteriosclerosis Model, with cross section of artery, 2 part

Order Number: 4004.1000278

93,90 Eur with VAT 77,60 Eur without VAT


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A horizontally dissected artery fork is depicted with arteriosclerotic changes in four different stages, from slightly sedimented to a completely clogged blood vessel.

On stand.

Measurements: 15 cm
Weight: 300 g

Quantitative unit
G40 - Model arteriosklerózy s průřezem tepny, 2 části

G40 - Arteriosclerosis Model, with cross section of artery, 2 part

93,90 Eur s DPH Only on Order
