F15 - Eye, 3 times full-size, 6 part

F15 - Eye, 3 times full-size, 6 part

Order Number: 4004.1000259

136,49 Eur with VAT 112,80 Eur without VAT


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This anatomical human eye model dissects into:

  • Both halves of sclera with cornea and eye muscle attachments
  • Both halves of the choroid with iris and retina
  • Eye lens
  • Vitreous humour

On base.

Measurements: 9 × 9 × 15 cm
Weight:100 g

Quantitative unit
F15 - Oko, 3 krát zvětšené, 6 částí

F15 - Eye, 3 times full-size, 6 part

136,49 Eur s DPH Only on Order
