epTIPS 2 - 200 µl

epTIPS 2 - 200 µl

Order Number: 1402.0030000870

54,21 Eur with VAT 44,80 Eur without VAT


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  • Made of first-class polypropylene with low wettability, shape stability and precision.
  • Inovated saddle shape of the tip better seal to the bottom conus of Eppendorf pipettes and pipettes of other producers.
  • Fine graduations make it easy to visually check the volume pipetted
  • Available in three purity levels: Eppendorf Quality, PCR clean and Eppendorf Biopur (sterile)
  • Contamination-free handling of the refill tray - plastic lids protect refill trays from direct contact during transfer to the reusable box.
  • Boxes are repeatedly autoclavable.
  • Dual-filtertips - Two filter layers provide dual protection from aerosols and biomolecules.
  • Logistics system for maintaining the color of typical volumes - blue, yellow, red, anthracite
  • Volumes of tips from 0.1 - 10 ml to 1 - 10 ml, including filter tips
  • Special tips - GELoader to transfer the sample to electrophoresis gels and Microloader for use in cell technology
  • Color distinction exchange cartons insides according to tip size
color yellow
2 - 200 µl
2 bags × 500 pcs
Quantitative unit
epTIPS 2 - 200 µl

epTIPS 2 - 200 µl

54,21 Eur s DPH Only on Order
