D25 - Half Lower Jaw, 3 times full-size, 6 part

D25 - Half Lower Jaw, 3 times full-size, 6 part

Order Number: 4004.1000249

312,18 Eur with VAT 258,00 Eur without VAT


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The model represents half of the left lower jaw of a young person. One section of bone is removable from the half lower jaw to expose the tooth roots, spongiosa, vessels and nerves. Canine and first molar are removable from the half lower jaw, and longitudinally sectioned. On stand.

Dimensions: 35 × 18 × 36 cm
Weight: 1,2 kg

Quantitative unit
D25 - Polovina dolní čelisti, 3 krát zvětšená, 6 částí

D25 - Half Lower Jaw, 3 times full-size, 6 part

312,18 Eur s DPH Only on Order
