D16 - Giant Dental Care Model, 3 times life size

D16 - Giant Dental Care Model, 3 times life size

Order Number: 4004.1000246

172,30 Eur with VAT 142,40 Eur without VAT


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This giant dental care model, large enough to be seen from the back of a classroom, shows the upper and lower half of an adult's dentition. A flexible joint between the jaws allows easy movement of the model.

Teach kids the proper teeth cleaning techniques using the giant toothbrush included.

Measurements: 18 × 23 × 12 cm
Weight: 1,5 kg


Quantitative unit
D16 - Velký model pro péči o chrup, 3 krát zvětšený

D16 - Giant Dental Care Model, 3 times life size

172,30 Eur s DPH Only on Order
