D10/4 - Lower Twin-Root Molar showing cavities, 2 part

D10/4 - Lower Twin-Root Molar showing cavities, 2 part

Order Number: 4004.1000243

147,38 Eur with VAT 121,80 Eur without VAT


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This 2 part lower twin-root molar has a longitudinal section. The Lower Twin-Root Molar displays cavities. The tooth is an accurate representation of adult dentition. The D10 series range from 23-29 cm high.

Weight: 630 g

Quantitative unit
D10/4 - Dolní dvoukořenová stolička znázorňující napadení kazem, 2 části

D10/4 - Lower Twin-Root Molar showing cavities, 2 part

147,38 Eur s DPH Only on Order
