C15/1 - Introductory Brain Model, 2 part

C15/1 - Introductory Brain Model, 2 part

Order Number: 4004.1000223

115,92 Eur with VAT 95,80 Eur without VAT


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This basic brain is medially divided, anatomically accurate, life-size and unbreakable!  The structures of the brain are shown in one color, providing an introduction to the human nervous system and anatomy of the brain.  Structures of the brain are not labeled or numbered. This introductory brain is delivered on removable base.

Head, brain, nervous system - filter
Quantitative unit
C15/1 - Úvodní model mozku, 2 části

C15/1 - Introductory Brain Model, 2 part

115,92 Eur s DPH Only on Order
