C09/1 - Head Model, 6 part

C09/1 - Head Model, 6 part

Order Number: 4004.1000217

584,43 Eur with VAT 483,00 Eur without VAT


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The most detailed head model! This life-size 6-part features a removable 4-part brain half with arteries. The eyeball with optic nerve is also removable and one side exposes the nose, mouth cavity, pharynx, occiput and skull base.

Delivered on a removable base.

Measurements: 19 × 23 × 22 cm
Weight: 1,0 kg

Head, brain, nervous system - filter
Quantitative unit
C09/1 - Model hlavy, 6 částí

C09/1 - Head Model, 6 part

584,43 Eur s DPH Only on Order
