BC-347 - American Red Squirrel Skull

BC-347 - American Red Squirrel Skull

Order Number: 4007.BC347

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The American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) is one of three species of pine squirrels and is widely distributed throughout the North American continent wherever cool weather and conifers are common, except for the Pacific coast, where its cousin the Douglas squirrel is found. This diurnal member of the family Sciuridae can be distinguished from other tree squirrels by its territorial behavior, smaller size, deep reddish-rust colored fur and bushy tail, a white underside and white eye rings. Its diet consists primarily of conifer cone seeds, although it has been observed eating other arboreal vegetation, mushrooms, berries and flowers, and occasional insect, egg or small animal. During cold winter months, it relies on food caches. This squirrel's teeth follow the typical rodent pattern: two upper and two lower incisors (for gnawing) that grow continuously to avoid being worn away, and cheek teeth (for grinding) separated by a sizable gap (diastema). The common name "red squirrel" is also used on a red-colored squirrel in Eurasia, however their ranges do not overlap, and they are considered different species.

Quantitative unit

BC-347 - American Red Squirrel Skull