BC-131E - Economy Domestic Cat Skull

BC-131E - Economy Domestic Cat Skull

Order Number: 4007.BC131E

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Cast from the same molds as the regular Bone Clones® skull. While care is taken to ensure the major features of the skull are preserved, the small details of the neural passages may not be opened, making it possible to produce a more economical replica that is still an excellent teaching aid.

The house cat originated from the wildcat Felis silvestris lybica and has appeared in the archaeological record. While commonly thought that Ancient Egyptians first domesticated cats as early as 4,000 years ago, on the island of Cyprus, a 9,500-year-old grave site revealed a cat carefully buried with a human. Given that cats are not native to Cyprus, it's reasonable to say that domestication predated that burial. Domestication of the wildcat likely coincided with the domestication of crops; perhaps their value for ridding human grain storage areas of large numbers of rats and mice was recognized and the farmers eventually saw their value as "partners" in pest control.

2-part skull (separate cranium & jaw)

Quantitative unit

BC-131E - Economy Domestic Cat Skull