BC-025 - Giant Panda Skull, Adolescent

BC-025 - Giant Panda Skull, Adolescent

Order Number: 4007.BC025

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Giant pandas are distributed in mountain ranges of central China. The most specialized herbivore of all carnivores, the panda eats bamboo almost exclusively, taking over 12 hours a day to eat what they require to obtain sufficient nourishment. Their broad, flat molars and strong jaws are adapted for crushing the bamboo stalks. Pandas evolved a modified carpal bone, the well known "panda's thumb," to help them better grasp the bamboo stalks while eating. The larger male may weigh around 250 pounds and reach lengths of 5 feet. Graciously loaned to us by the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, a portion of each sale goes to the museum to further their research.

2-part skull (separate cranium & jaw)

Quantitative unit

BC-025 - Giant Panda Skull, Adolescent