Buoyancy Apparatus

Buoyancy Apparatus

Order Number: 5401.1000791

49,85 Eur with VAT 41,20 Eur without VAT


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Apparatus for demonstrating buoyancy of fluids, consisting of a flat-ground glass tube and a metal disc with rubber covering to form a base plate to which a long string is attached.

The base plate makes a watertight connection with the glass tube and when both are immersed in water, the plate does not sink because buoyancy keeps it pushed up against the tube.

  • Glass tube: 200 × 28 mm dia.
  • Metal disc: 2 × 42 mm dia.
  • Length of string: 35 cm
Quantitative unit
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Buoyancy Apparatus

49,85 Eur s DPH Only on Order
