A87/1 - Mini Elbow Joint with cross section

A87/1 - Mini Elbow Joint with cross section

Order Number: 4004.1000174

53,72 Eur with VAT 44,40 Eur without VAT


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The mini elbow joint has been reduced to a half of the natural size but has kept all of the functionality of larger elbow joint models. In addition to the external anatomical structures of the elbow joint, using the superb new elbow joint cross-section mounted on the base, the medical or teaching professional now has the possibility to explain what is happening from "within" the elbow joint.

Dimensions: 16 × 12 × 20 cm
Weight: 240 g

Quantitative unit
A87/1 - Mini model loketního kloubu s průřezem

A87/1 - Mini Elbow Joint with cross section

53,72 Eur s DPH Only on Order
