A82 - Functional Knee Joint

A82 - Functional Knee Joint

Order Number: 4004.1000163

111,56 Eur with VAT 92,20 Eur without VAT


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This high quality, life-size functional knee joint model clearly shows the anatomy and mechanics of the knee joint. This fully flexible knee joint model demonstrates abduction, anteversion, retroversion and internal/external rotation.
Model consists of portion of femur, tibia and portion of fibula; also includes meniscus, patella with quadriceps tendon and joint ligaments, including the ACL and PCL. Delivered on removable stand for easy study or display.

Dimensions: 12 × 12 × 34 cm
Weight: 700 g

Quantitative unit
A82 - Funkční model kolenního kloubu

A82 - Functional Knee Joint

111,56 Eur s DPH Only on Order
