564060 - STEM Statics

564060 - STEM Statics

Order Number: 5503.564060

88,09 Eur with VAT 72,80 Eur without VAT


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Why is a triangle so important to the world of statics? Where do we encounter this everywhere in everyday life? These and other statics principles will be explored in a simple and clear way using fischertechnik's STEM Statics Advanced and practical model examples. We will explore topics such as compressive and tensile forces, and statics and forces in the equilibrium. We will be able to measure and check the results of the practical experiments with the help of the spring balance included in the kit. Pupils will have fun and discover the spirit of discovery as they internalise physical ways of thinking and working, and consolidate what they have learned in the long term.


  • Static components
  • Angle bracket
  • Struts
  • Spring balance
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564060 - STEM Statics

564060 - STEM Statics

88,09 Eur s DPH Only on Order
