536630 - Vacuum Gripper Robot 24V

536630 - Vacuum Gripper Robot 24V

Order Number: 5503.536630

880,88 Eur with VAT 728,00 Eur without VAT


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3-axis robot with vacuum gripper works quickly and precisely, positioning workpieces in three-dimensional space.

Working range:

x-axis 270°
y-axis (forward/back) 140mm
z-axis (up/down) 120mm.


3x encoder motors
3x push buttons (limit switch)
vacuum suction device
solenoid valve

By age and focus
Models 24V for PLC
Quantitative unit
536630 - Vacuum Gripper Robot 24V

536630 - Vacuum Gripper Robot 24V

880,88 Eur s DPH Only on Order
