50464 - Conveyor belt 24 V

50464 - Conveyor belt 24 V

Order Number: 5503.50464

264,99 Eur with VAT 219,00 Eur without VAT


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Conveyor Belt with 275 mm length, transports workpieces with a diameter of up to 29 mm. Several conveyor belts can be connected to each otherto form a conveyor belt of any length.

Scope of Delivery:

  • 1 DC motor, 1 sensing device (potential-free), choice as pulse counter, can be used for distance traveled or as an activation button; 2 light barriers consisting of phototransistor and lens tip bulb, which can be connected together to an output for the control or directly to the power supply
  • 1 workpiece diameter 29 mm, h = 25 mm
  • Model is mounted on fischertechnik base plate
  • Dimensions: 275 × 210 × 70 mm
  • 3 digital inputs
  • 1 output, 24 V = (1 motor for drive for conveyor belt)
By age and focus
Models 24V for PLC
Quantitative unit
50464 - Conveyor belt 24 V

50464 - Conveyor belt 24 V

264,99 Eur s DPH Only on Order
