1019557 - Rectum cross section (oversize) with pathologies

1019557 - Rectum cross section (oversize) with pathologies

Order Number: 4004.1019557

137,46 Eur with VAT 113,60 Eur without VAT


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One and one half times life size cut-away model displaying ulcerative colitis, internal and external fistula, internal and external hemorrhoids, annular cancer, sessile polyp, submucosal abscess, skin tag, pedunculated polyp, supralevator abscess, ischiorectal abscess, cryptitis, diverticulum, condyloma acuminatum, fissure and condyloma latum.

Quantitative unit
Průřezový model konečníku (zvětšený) s patologiemi

1019557 - Rectum cross section (oversize) with pathologies

137,46 Eur s DPH Only on Order
