1019532 - Artery sections (4) (oversized) - with Handle

1019532 - Artery sections (4) (oversized) - with Handle

Order Number: 4004.1019532

117,61 Eur with VAT 97,20 Eur without VAT


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Four-stage cross-section of an artery demonstrating atherosclerosis in which the narrowing of the artery is due to a build up of fatty tissue (cholesterol) and plaque. Four stages: normal artery, fatty streak, fibrous plaque, and blockage. The stages cause a decrease in blood flow, which can lead to a blood clot or thrombus. All stages rotate on hinge pin.

Quantitative unit
Zvětšený model 4 sekcí tepny s rukojetí

1019532 - Artery sections (4) (oversized) - with Handle

117,61 Eur s DPH Only on Order
