




V2053U - Lidské srdce V2053U - The Heart - Anatomy
Order Number: 4304.4006552
Types of posters: Velké postery bez popisku bez dřevěné tyče
Format: 84 × 118 [cm]
Description language: Without description

Information about product price on demand

V2041U - Bakterie V2041U - Bacteria
Order Number: 4304.4006541
Types of posters: Velké postery bez popisku bez dřevěné tyče
Format: 84 × 118 [cm]
Description language: Without description

Information about product price on demand

VR1821L - Ušní akupunktura 8 points. VR1821L - Ear Acupuncture
Order Number: 4304.1001628
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1821UU - Ušní akupunktura 5 points. VR1821UU - Ear Acupuncture
Order Number: 4304.4006731
Types of posters: Malé papírové postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

18,88 Eur with VAT 15,60 Eur

VR1820L - Tělová akupunktura 12 points. VR1820L - Body Acupuncture
Order Number: 4304.1001626
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 98 × 68 [cm]
Description language: English

43,08 Eur with VAT 35,60 Eur

VR1820UU - Tělová akupunktura 7 points. VR1820UU - Body Acupuncture
Order Number: 4304.4006730
Types of posters: Malé papírové postery
Format: 98 × 68 [cm]
Description language: English

25,89 Eur with VAT 21,40 Eur

4080-4104 4221

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