




VR1555L - Porod 8 points. VR1555L - Birth
Order Number: 4304.1001574
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1556L - Ženské prso 8 points. VR1556L - The Female Breast
Order Number: 4304.1001576
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1557L - Kojení 8 points. VR1557L - Breast Feeding
Order Number: 4304.1001578
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1591L - Antikoncepce 8 points. VR1591L - Birth Control
Order Number: 4304.1001580
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1615L - Lidský mozek 8 points. VR1615L - The Human Brain
Order Number: 4304.1001584
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1621L - Páteřní nervy 8 points. VR1621L - The Spinal Nerves
Order Number: 4304.1001588
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1627L - Mozková mrtvice 8 points. VR1627L - Stroke
Order Number: 4304.1001590
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1660L Alergie 8 points. VR1660L - Allergies
Order Number: 4304.1001596
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

VR1714L - Bolesti hlavy 8 points. VR1714L - Headaches
Order Number: 4304.1001604
Types of posters: Malé laminované postery
Format: 50 × 67 [cm]
Description language: English

29,04 Eur with VAT 24,00 Eur

4032-4056 4221

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