Obstetrics, Midwifery

Děloha malá Small Uterus
Order Number: 4113.UT001
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

Information about product price on demand

Děloha střední Medium Uterus
Order Number: 4113.UT002
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

Information about product price on demand

Děloha velká Large Uterus
Order Number: 4113.UT003
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

Information about product price on demand

Děloha fibroidní Fibroid Uterus
Order Number: 4113.UT004
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

Information about product price on demand

Děloha zakloněná Retroverted Uterus
Order Number: 4113.UT005
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

Information about product price on demand

Děloha dutá Hollow Uterus
Order Number: 4113.UT006
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

Information about product price on demand

Děloha s cystou na vaječníku Ovarian Cyst Uterus
Order Number: 4113.UT007
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

Information about product price on demand

Talc, 500 ml
Order Number: 4113.TC001
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Birthing simulators

Information about product price on demand

LF01230U - Trenažér pro kontrolu děložního čípku 260 points. 4107.LF01230
Order Number: 4107.LF01230
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Běžné gynekologické a porodnické úkony

629,20 Eur with VAT 520,00 Eur

96-113 113