Obstetrics, Midwifery

Obstetrics, gynecology - filter
Common gynecological and obstetric actions

S507 - Uterus 35 points. S507 - Uterus
Order Number: 4108.S507
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

83,73 Eur with VAT 69,20 Eur

Krevní oběh v placentě 146 points. Placental Circulation
Order Number: 4005.ZKK252X
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

354,53 Eur with VAT 293,00 Eur

Model hlavy plodu 151 points. Foetal Head Simulator
Order Number: 4005.ZKK422P
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

366,63 Eur with VAT 303,00 Eur

Děloha malá Small Uterus
Order Number: 4113.UT001
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

Information about product price on demand

Děloha střední Medium Uterus
Order Number: 4113.UT002
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

Information about product price on demand

Děloha velká Large Uterus
Order Number: 4113.UT003
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

Information about product price on demand

Děloha fibroidní Fibroid Uterus
Order Number: 4113.UT004
Obstetrics, gynecology - filter: Common gynecological and obstetric actions

Information about product price on demand

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